
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Assembly Line Sandwiches

 I find that, at least for me, I am more likely to have success sticking with my meal plan if I have food that tastes good and looks good.  I feel as though I'm being given a treat, instead of feeling deprived.

For instance, color is so important with food presentation.  I read an article once that showed a massive pile of foods we American's eat every day, and it pointed out that the overwhelming majority of our food is tan.  French fries - tan; hamburgers - tan, most sandwiches - tan, soda - brown/tan. 

Anyway, I thought it was something to think about . . .

This post for Assembly Line Sandwiches doesn't really feature anything new or revolutionary.  I just thought I'd share my basic go-to sandwich.  I usually make three or four of them and then store them in the fridge so I have several delicious and convenient ready-to-go meals in a pinch.  After all, if you're making one, why not make a few more?  It doesn't really take that much extra time.

My Mum turned me on to this type of bread that's made from Great Harvest Bread Company.  (Insert heavenly rays and a choir of angels singing).  I have issues with gluten sensitivity, but because this bread is 100% whole wheat and is - get this - ground fresh the day you buy it, I have no difficulties inhaling consuming this delicious bread.

I'm Dutch, so cheese is genetically important to me.  However, it can be a lethal in the calories department, so I usually go with a nice quality Muenster or Gouda but limit the portion size (after all, the whole philosophy of the Game On Diet is portion size and moderation).

Sprinkle on a bit of black pepper for some nice zest and crunch.  (By the way, if you don't have a pepper grinder, you don't know what you're missing with freshly ground pepper.  It's soooooo good and completely explains why wars were fought over it.)

At this point I looked at my sandwich and realized it needed some color, thus the addition of bell pepper, which adds such a lovely sweetness to the sandwich to balance out the nutty bitterness from the sprouts.

Because of the portion sizes needed for my own personal diet, I don't top my sandwiches with more bread.  It can be a tad messy to eat, but I don't really miss it because the bread is so yummy and hefty anyway.  More bread would hide the flavors of the sandwich innards.

 (Click on the image below if you want to print it out for future use).

1 comment:

  1. Deli meats are off plan because they are processed. But pretty sandwich. Could replace with a nice grilled chicken.
