I read about this little treat in the Game On Diet book under the recipes section, and I decided to modify it a little because I only had mini-bell peppers in my fridge and I also wanted to keep the calorie count under 200.
Aldi (love!) sells bags of mini sweet peppers, but I think you can pick these up at most grocery stores. Smoosh or dice up one olive into smallish pieces.
Cut one cheese stick into thirds, and
wrap a small piece of deli meat around the cheese stick.
Put a few pieces of cut up olive into the pepper, stuff the cheese/meat next, and then top with a bit more olive and some nice Italian seasoning herbs like oregano or parsley. I would totally add some raw garlic but I'd just run out.
That's it!
Throw a few into a sandwich bag and keep it in the fridge for a day or two and enjoy a quick low-calorie meal when you need it!
What kinds of things would you put in your sweet peppers?
(Click on the picture below to print it).
Oh wow! I totally skipped that chapter because there were no pictures so I am happy to see you do this. This YoMama can only read picture books. :)